Site icon Odyssey Camper

DIY Camper Conversion Kits

Here’s where I post all of the DIY Kits for my Odyssey Camper projects.

If you find a project on these pages that you’d like to duplicate, there will be a “kit” on that page and here.  The kit contains all the parts and makes it easier to get everything at once.  All the links go to Amazon* and make it easier to add everything to your cart if you click “Buy All On Amazon”.  When you do that, it will show anything that is currently out of stock and of course, give you the option to back out before buying.  Try one out and let me know what you think by commenting on the OdysseyCamper Facebook page (@OdysseyCamper)

Everything you need to make some solar powered motion lights for your van dwelling:

Dealing with insects (and having fun doing it!)

These items appear throughout my travels and posts.  I use every one of them:

Unless you are way up north in the summertime, you’re going to need some lights:This kit goes with my post about starting a fire with wet materials:This kit goes with my post about keeping warm in your van:

This kit goes with my console solar generator project:

* Why Amazon?  Three reasons:

  1. I’ve checked local prices on all of these items and almost without exception, they are cheaper through Amazon.  Especially when you factor in the time and gas.
  2. Amazon can ship almost anywhere for free (if you are a Prime member…and you should be) including campgrounds and other temporary residences, so they are ideal if you are traveling and need something.
  3. When someone uses one of the kit links, they get the exact same price they would if they went to Amazon on their own, but I will get a few cents from the sale.  That money is used for the hosting and the occasional giveaways that I do for blog subscribers.