The Odyssey Camper Podcast is about all things “minivan camping” and camper conversion-related.
If you like my blog but just don’t have the time to read everything, that content is now available as a podcast, here!
Note that you will not hear my voice in the early episodes (but you will later on). Due to a general lack of free time at the moment, each page of the blog is discussed by Google Notebook LM. Notebook LM is an AI tool that among other things, can put any source material into the form of a podcast. Not everyone is going to like that, but keep in mind that I’m doing it to help people who want to learn about van life and minivan camper conversions, but don’t have time for a blog or YouTube videos. This is not “AI-created content” (which I will never do) but a reformatting of MY existing written stories, that I hope will reach a new audience.
Please let me know what you think!