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The Bug-A-Salt, a Safe (and Fun!) Camping Tool

bug assault gun

If you caught my YouTube video about the Bug-A-Salt, then you already know that I LOVE this thing!

Using a spring-loaded mechanism and table salt, this little implement of doom is dangerous to insects only.  It’s pet-safe leaving behind only a nicely seasoned dead bug.

A single pump of the slide chambers a charge of salt that is shot out in an air blast. It’s effective on houseflies and soft-body insects up to 5 feet away and tougher bugs like yellow jackets, from a couple of feet away. It’s also safe for humans as the salt can’t puncture your skin (watch your eyes though).   As you know, I only review things that I personally use and then only the things that LAST.  I’ve had the Bug-A-Salt for 5 years now and it has worked reliably every time.

If you want to pick one up for yourself, I’ve linked to the Bug-A-Salt, along with all its accessories, here on My Amazon Store. If you use that link, it won’t cost you a penny more, but I’ll get a few pennies to put toward the web hosting of this site.

If you want to see it in action, fast forward to the end of the video (caution, an insect WAS harmed in the making of this film).


–Darren at Odyssey Camper

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