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Electric Cooking in a Small RV

How to cook in a small camper or RV

Cooking in a Minivan with electricity

It is my opinion that the people who cook in a minivan camper with open flame, are mentally challenged.

Maybe they just never thought about how dangerous it is.  Or maybe they’ve just never witnessed a good car fire…

I’m always amazed to see people on YouTube who cook with an open flame inside of a minivan.  While you might get away with that in a full-size cargo van conversion, a minivan is full of flammable things, like fabric, carpet, and foam rubber.  While the factory furnishings might have some fire retardancy, we’ve added a lot of stuff to our minivans (curtains, bedding, flooring, souvenirs removed from National Parks… etc.) that is definitely flammable.  Like, REALLY flammable.  That stuff can burn hot enough to ignite the vehicle materials and destroy all traces of DNA in the vehicle, but I digress.

So what’s a traveling van man (or woman) to do?  Cook with electricity!  If you normally like to read blogs, this is where I will disappoint you because I’ve made a VIDEO about it where I’ll show you the methods and equipment that I’ve actually used.  If you only want to watch part of it, I suggest using the chapter markers and at least catch the part about the induction cooktop.


All the stuff in the Video—

Townsends Kitchen Pepper:

Immersion Heater:

Electric Kettle:

Slow Cooker:

Induction Cooktop:


Big French Press:

Little French Press by Bodum (buy once, cry once):

Plastic Bodum French Press (cheaper, if you are only using it occasionally):

Induction Teapot:

Induction Frying Pan:


Emberlit Stove:

Butane Stove (not the exact model, but they are all similar. Buy the cheapest, you are only using it to burn up your mini RV):

–Darren at OdysseyCamper

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