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Easy DIY Minivan Bed Build

DIY Van Bed Build for a minivan

I built this bed for camping in my minivan, using the Unistrut system.  It is hypoallergenic and suitable for those with chemical sensitivities.

Make sure you watch the companion video below, for the full story (and some of my mistakes!).

Bed Build Goals

When I set out to build this DIY van bed, I had some specific goals in mind.  It’s important to know what my goals were because your minivan bed build might have other priorities:

1) It had to be hypoallergenic(I’m allergic to pine), with no off-gassing for people with chemical sensitivities.

2) The bed had to be easy to build with basic hand tools and no special skills.

3) I wanted it to be an adaptable “system” that could be used to build a half-width or full-width van bed, rather than create another “do it this way” build.

4) It had to be lightweight.  My minivan camper is lightweight compared to some larger vehicles and I wanted my minivan bed to be light as well.

5) It had to be constructed and installed in a way that would not compromise the safety of my van in the event of a crash.  Also, it could not block any airbags.

6) The bed could not use any components that could absorb water or grow mold.

Watch the video and then use the links below to see some of the Unistrut components I used for the bed build.  This video is just an example of how you can build an affordable van bed using Unistrut products.  It’s up to you to use the system to customize it for your own goals.  Note: if you are someone with chemical sensitivities, I suggest you put a piece of the Trex material in the van with you, prior to building the whole bed.  It does not seem to off-gas or have even a scent, but your results may vary.

Parts List:

Note that while I used aluminum Unistrut, you could save money by using the powder-coated steel stuff for your bed frame.  The weight savings of the aluminum are probably not worth the extra cost (up to you to decide).

While you can get Unistrut components on Amazon, they don’t usually have all the components you’ll need, so I suggest you look there and  Some combination of the two sites will give you the best selection and price.

Unistrut on Amazon

Unistrut on

Some of the components I used to build the van bed in the video:


Trex Composite Deck Bed Top:


Minivan Bed Frame Parts:

(The following are part numbers from

Unistrut Nuts 1/4″-20 (to hold Trex decking to van bed frame)


Unistrut Nuts ½-18 to hold hinges at foot of bed


Aluminum Unistrut


(6ft sections for bedsides, 3ft trimmed to 30″ for the ends of the bed, 1ft for the footer, 3ft for the foot, 2 foot for the front legs, 1 foot for the foot legs, all legs trimmed for height)

Hinges for foot section


Corner brackets for foot section (2 needed)


Feet on the bottom of foot section


90 Degree Brackets to hold head-end cross piece to legs


Screws and Hardware:

1/2-13 (1.25″ long) stainless steel screws, lockwashers, flat washers for foot section hinges

¼-20 (1.5 long) stainless steel button heads, lockwashers, and flat washers to attach Trex

(source from local hardware store, is pricey for these)


That might not be a perfectly complete parts list, but it will lead you to your own ideas and custom bed build.  Unistrut is easy to work with and requires a minimum of tools to assemble.  It can be easily cut with a hacksaw if you need custom lengths.

–Darren at Odyssey Camper


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